What is BPC 157?
Bpc 157 is proven to encourage vascular growth it encourages formation and brand new blood vessels. This simply put pushes more healthy blood vessels to the damaged are and encourages repair. This compound is found within the human body already found within your stomach lining and juices. It has also been found in other mammals.
It is a huge part to keeping your stomach lining and your GU tract healthy. But it has also been proven to encourage healing and growth. Its been proven to have incredibly helpful in the healing of wounds and muscle tears.
One thing to note most the research is done on lab rats, but this has started to change as there has been a big upturn in humans consumption. Its well noted that a lot of people have seen great improvements in healing and repair often run with Tb500 as it has healing properties as well.
One thing to note is all like all things there are known side effects which i will dive into shortly but something to digest first.
What Benefits Does BPC-157 Have?
- Fires up the brain – It may well have a major part in the communication between the bodies nervous system and its digestive system. There are thoughts that these two major systems within the human body have a lot more in common that originally thought.
- Degeneration – Its been proven within its test subject to really harmful degeneration within the mind and body. Its been touted as a aid for Alzheimer’s
- Anger – Its been proven to really help regulate the subjects mood.
- Flow – Blood flow within the circulatory system aiding and promoting the creation of new blood vessels.
- Pain – Early preclinical trials noted that it acted as a pain relief. This was a study done on humans this is thought to be because of the increased blood flow and damage healing properties.
- Energy – Its thought to give a nice increase in energy. This is because of improvements to No pathways.
- Wounds – Due to the increase in blood vessels and the improvement in flow you will see increased healing. A lot of people pair this with TB500 and see great results.
- Liver – Also thought to help with the stomach, liver and possibly kidneys. Thoughts that it might help fight alcohol caused symptoms.
- Tendons – In the study it was proven to help the body create new tendon tissue, this is thought to have good effects on skin tissue as well.
BPC-157 Side Effects!
Due to it being a gastric peptide some people have reported very mild digestive effects such as nausea, diarrhea, appetite changes should you have any of these we would suggest lowering your dose till your body becomes more accustom to them. Like all medicines there’s often a trade off.
Researches are very keen to see how this helps people that suffer with erectile dysfunction and cancer as the increased blood flow and healing properties should be very helpful.
Does it help with weight loss?
It has been thought with the improved blood flow and healing that it may help with losing weight. It is expected that with a healthy diet and bpc 157 it will kill bad bacteria in your gut and promote the growth of good bacteria which in turn will help you lose weight. It isn’t clinically designed for weight loss such as semaglutide but its expected to help.